Welcome to Learning Coaches
Prevent interruptions to your children’s progress with reliable tutors
Ivy Bound’s Learning Coaches division can help with the uncertainty that this school year brings.
Our Learning Coaches are prepared to help students individually, or in pods and groups on almost any subject you need. We are prepared to follow your school’s curriculum and give your children the individual attention they need and deserve. We also offer enrichment classes each weekend. Fill out our form below or give us a call to speak with an educational consultant today.
How Learning Coaches Can Help Home-Schooling Families:
What is Learning Coaches?
Learning Coaches is our solution to online schooling for small groups of students. Hours are flexible and can supplement or even replace a student’s in-school learning.
Why Learning Coaches?
Parents turn to us because children are not getting the attention they need or are not being challenged enough in traditional schools. Learning Coaches will fill in the gaps of the new challenges faced by students surrounding the pandemic.
Why Ivy Bound?
In an effort to adapt to the students’ needs with this new normal, we have created Learning Coaches. Our years of experience in online learning and reliable tutors guarantee your children’s progress in school.
Get started today.
Complete our form
Let us know how learning coaches can help, and an educational consultant will reach out right away.
Build your team
We’ll find the most suitable instructors for you and your children according to subject matter, preferences and availability.
Start learning!
Your children can start their learning journeys with our reliable tutors as soon as you are ready to begin.
Learn what you want
Whatever the subject, level, or challenges, Learning Coaches has experienced tutors who can provide the education you and your children want. We pride ourselves on tailoring educational experiences to our students’ needs, but here are some of the courses we can offer:
Additional Courses
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Epidemiology and Virology
Algebra I/II
Probability & Statistics
Data Science
Practical Mathematics
Writing Prose
Writing Fiction
Modern Communication
Media Literacy
World History
European History
U.S. History
Why Ivy Bound?
Learn more about our company, our tutors, and how we can assist you with our Learning Coaches